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Animal Heroes

Book Details

Title:Animal Heroes
Seton, Ernest Thompson   
(1 of 11 for author by title)
The Arctic Prairies
Published:   1905
Publisher:Charles Scribner's Sons
Tags:animals, fiction, juvenile, Natural History

Being the Histories of a CAT, a DOG, a PIGEON, a LYNX, TWO WOLVES & a REINDEER and in Elucidation of the Same over 200 DRAWINGS. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:246 Info

Author Bio for Seton, Ernest Thompson

Author Image

Ernest Thompson Seton (August 14, 1860 – October 23, 1946) was an author (published in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the US), wildlife artist, founder of the Woodcraft Indians, and one of the founding pioneers of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Seton also influenced Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting. His notable books related to Scouting include The Birch Bark Roll and The Boy Scout Handbook. He is responsible for the appropriation and incorporation of what he believed to be American Indian elements into the traditions of the BSA.

Seton was an early pioneer of the modern school of animal fiction writing, his most popular work being Wild Animals I Have Known (1898), which contains the story of his killing of the wolf Lobo. For his work, Lives of Game Animals, Volume 4, Seton was awarded the Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal from the National Academy of Sciences in 1928.--Wikipedia.

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