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Time and Time Again

Book Details

Title:Time and Time Again
Hilton, James   
(3 of 3 for author by title)
The Meadows of the Moon
Published:   1953
Publisher:The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited
Tags:adventure, fiction

Time and Time Again was James Hilton's last novel. It was published the year before he died. It covers the rather ordinary life of a rather ordinary man.

Told in flashbacks, a diplomat outlines the big events in his life. They are basically a series of humiliations and disappointments. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:227 Info

Author Bio for Hilton, James

Author Image

James Hilton (1900–1954) was a bestselling English novelist and Academy Award–winning screenwriter. After attending Cambridge University, Hilton worked as a journalist until the success of his novels Lost Horizon (1933) and Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1934) launched his career as a celebrated author. Hilton’s writing is known for its depiction of English life between the two world wars, its celebration of English character, and its honest portrayal of life in the early twentieth century.

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