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Little Man

Book Details

Title:Little Man
Sallans, George Herbert   
Published:   1942
Publisher:The Ryerson Press
Tags:fiction, Governor General's Literary Award

“Little Man is a vivid and tangible piece of Canada itself. The story opens at the beginning of this century and continues to the present. An intensely human epic, colourful and exciting, it is stark and brutal at times, but at others reveals great tenderness and beauty. Little Man is a powerful and unforgettable chronicle of our own age—boom and depression, flood tide and ebb tide, war and peace and war again. It deserves an important place as a genuine social document, a true and biting commentary on our own times. Little Man is an honest and unflinching account of four amazing decades in the growth of a nation. The scenes move swiftly across Canada and back, to Britain and France and home again. The events are vivid and the characters splendidly alive, for the author describes what he has seen and known and felt...”

—from the front flap [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:Governor General's Award for English language fiction in 1942
Pages:234 Info

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